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Jaded China watchers observe the fall of Chongqing's "Red Leader" Bo Xilai and see little more than the disposal of another corrupt Communist sociopath who crossed multiple red lines - not of reckless criminality, but of naked ambition, of disobedience to the Center, and of unseemly and embarrassing behavior involving foreigners - and got slapped down by the party leadership.

Score one for the Chinese Communist Party, in other words, for the efficient use of party disciplinary functions, media operations, and kangaroo courts to wrap up the messy package without overt violence and organized public dissent or embarrassing private leaks from Bo's allies inside and outside the CCP, thereby


maintaining the public veneer of leadership unity going into the transitional 18th party congress.

This interpretation is not satisfactory to China's reformers, who see the country lurching into crisis and hope to shoehorn the Bo Xilai affair into a narrative of national political, social and economic renaissance.

Their efforts have elicited a faint but unmistakable echo in state media, serving as an indication that the party leadership accepts the reality of crisis and the need for reform, if not the radical changes advocated by the reformers.

Sun Liping - who acted as Xi Jinping's PhD thesis adviser at Tsinghua University and therefore symbolizes the reformers' hopes for access and influence at the highest levels of the new party leadership - recently posted his thoughts on the Bo Xilai case, opining that it would have been better if the verdict had been delivered after, instead of before, the party congress: If the verdict had come down after the congress, it would have diminished the political tinge of the case. Instead, it could have been part of an overall consideration of the rule of law for the next 10 years ... and even helped create a "force" for reform ... a wedge for further major reforms ... It could have served as the starting point for the political institutionalization of the reformist faction.[1]Central to Sun's thesis is that Bo was an atypical representative of anti-reform forces, and his fall before the congress was not a decisive victory for reform that would secure the ascendancy of pro-reform forces in the new leadership.

Sun Liping believes that the main obstacle for China's reformers is not nostalgic Maoists trying to push back reforms; it is the inertia represented by the massive, entrenched interests that have corruptly benefited from the current, flawed reforms, and which oppose further, more thoroughgoing reforms that would threaten their advantages.

Sun characterizes this dilemma as the "political transition trap", the real trap, in his view, as opposed to the "income transition trap" (the difficulty of evolution beyond labor-intensive industries and thereby hoisting per capita income into the promised land of middle-class pay packets) that obsesses Chinese and international developmental economists.

A significant if unspoken corollary of Sun's persuasive analysis is that entrenched interests - maybe we should call them the "cadre-industrial complex" in a hat-tip to the late US president Dwight Eisenhower's prescient warnings about the "military-industrial complex" - hold the upper hand under normal circumstances.

In other words, an exceptional set of circumstances, if not a crisis, is necessary to break the inertia and get the reformist bandwagon rolling.

For Sun, a nice, thorough mastication of the Bo Xilai case by the powers that be after the party congress might have provided a suitable kick-start to the reformist movement.

Although the Bo Xilai ship has sailed (Bo has been expelled from the CPP by its disciplinary mechanism and now awaits his final, legal fate in the politically irrelevant civil courts), reformers are apparently still trying to make hay from the state of affairs in Chongqing.

On the serious-progressive end of the reformist spectrum, the financial news outlet Caixin editorialized: Bo taught us all a painful lesson. Thirty years of reform and opening up has brought China tremendous success, but also created many problems in society. Its people are desperate for solutions. Chinese leaders should heed the call for change and deepen their reform efforts.

Their priority now is to continue fighting corruption and speed up the reform of the economic and political systems, particularly the legal system. "All people are equal before the law" must be more than a slogan, and the system of checks and balances strengthened.

Bo showed us that going backwards or standing still are not options for China; only by striking out can it thrive. [2]An influential reformer, Han Zhiguo (previously on the staff of the State Planning Commission and then a big wheel at various economic and sociology journals; now head of a private university) tried to exploit the Chongqing issue from another angle by providing a jolt of old-fashioned Communist rabble-rousing.

Han posted an item on his weblog calling for a purge of extreme-left elements in Chongqing. Literally. As in: The main harm of the Chongqing affair is a return of the Cultural Revolution and the reigniting of an extreme-left line ... Chongqing must completely purge [qingsuan] the extreme left line. [3]The "Chongqing affair" is the matter of a hapless youth, Ren Jianying, who reposted content hostile to the Bo government on his webpage, was subsequently discovered by the local cops to possess a T-shirt with the inflammatory slogan "Live free or die," and received a sentence of two years' labor reform.

The post is illustrated by a pretty picture of clouds over a pasture intended to convey the image of a ferocious gathering storm.

Leaving aside the completely creepy reference to qingsuan - which literally means "a thoroughgoing settling of accounts" and, in particularly rough times for the CPP, referred to the execution of political enemies - and the question of whether Han is advocating the top-down, legalistic, and numerical quota purges imposed in the 1950s as opposed to the chaotic "bottom-up" assaults orchestrated by the Red Guards in the 1960s or something else - it is somewhat doubtful that Chongqing is groaning under the tyranny of extreme-left red terror.

Zhou Yongkang, an erstwhile political ally of Bo Xilai (and, in the overheated imagination of some bloggers, fomenter of an attempted coup d'etat to repair the fortunes of his buddy), recently made a publicized tour of Sichuan province. Zhou holds the security brief in the Standing Committee of the Politburo and his overweening emphasis on "stability maintenance" was seen as complementing Bo Xilai's public stance as hard-charging, crime-fighting mayor.

Reading between the lines, Zhou's visit was intended to reassure local security cadres that despite the discrediting of Zhou's law-and-order agenda by the exposure of rampant criminality in Bo's government, all would be well as long as Bo's disappointed neo-Maoist acolytes were not allowed to make trouble on the streets in the run-up to the 18th congress: Zhou visited the procuratorial, judicial and police departments in the provincial capital of Chengdu.

When meeting with representatives from these departments, Zhou urged them to honestly carry out their legal responsibilities by enhancing law enforcement, providing better service for the people, dissolving disputes, and maintaining justice, social harmony and stability.

He asked for major achievements from them to mark the CCP's 18th National Congress, which is scheduled to start on November 8. [4]It appears that residents of Chongqing fearing a reign of terror by Bo Xilai's red-bandanna diehards can rest easy.

As Sun Liping has asserted, the main problem in China is not maniacal neo-Maoists; it is cadres and businessman happy to suck up bank loans to line their pockets and prop up local governments even as the country slides off a cliff. 
Mr. Laine
10/10/2012 04:59:19 pm

Once all 3 news stories are posted, the questioners should then add two questions about EACH of the three news stories here in the comments. So there will be six questions in total.


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